I) Credit Based Semester and Grading System (CBSGS) From the year 2011-2012 the University of Mumbai has introduced Credit Based Semester and Grading System in result with the intention of bringing our students to the international level. Instead of marksheets Grade Card will be given to the students. It would allow our students to get admission to any college in the world under this system the University has introduced a Semester Pattern. The student has to appear for various unit tests and has to submit the project and assignment to the concern teachers of various courses. Marks are given to students attendance and active participation. The marks are given under two heads Internal Exams - marks 25 and External Exams - marks 75. The student has to get minimum 10 marks to pass under internal heads and minimum of 30 marks in External examination [Theory Examination] in every subject.

II) CBSGS - New Examination System : The University of Mumbai has introduced a new Semester Examination Pattern for T.Y.B.A. and T.Y.B.Com. level (CBSGS Credit Based Semester and Grading System) since 2013-2014. According to this pattern, in stead of annual examination, two semester examinations would be conducted. There would be Internal Examination of 25 marks and External examination of 75 marks. For Internal Examination the student will have to appear for Unit test of 20 marks, and 5 marks would be for attendance and active participation. In the end of each semester the University would conduct an External examination for 75 marks. Every student will have get minimum of 10 marks to pass in Internal Examination and 30 marks to pass in External Examination. There would be separate passing under each head. The students would have to fill the exami nation forms and pay the examination fees separately for each semester.

II) Rules of A.T.K.T. under New Examination System :
A.T.K.T. for Faculties of Arts & Commerce :
a. A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester II irrespective of number heads of failure in the Semester I.
b. A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester III-if he/she passes each of Semester I & Semester II.
A learner who fails in not more than four courses of Semester I and Semester II taken together with not more than two courses each in semester I and II.
c. A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester IV irrespective of number of heads of failure in Semester III. However, the learner shall pass each course of Semester I and Semester II in order to appear for Semester IV.
d. A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester V if he/she passes Semester I, Semester II, Semester III and Semester IV.
A learner shall pass Semester I and Semester II and fails in not more than four courses of Semester III and Semester IV taken together with not more than two courses each in Semester III and Semester IV.
e. A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester VI irrespective of number of heads of failure in the Semester V. However, the learner shall pass each course of Semester III and Semester IV in order to appear for Semester VI.
f. The result of Semester VI shall be kept in abeyance until the learner passes each of Semester I, Semester II, Semester III, Semester III, Semester IV and Semester V

पेमेंट(Payment) करण्यिम तारीख : 27/07/2020 दुपारी : 12.00 वा. पर्यंत

From Second Half-2019

परीक्षा फॉर्म फी :
1. एक विषय: ₹ 304/-
2. दोन विषय : ₹ 546/-
3. तीन किंवा चार विषय : ₹ 1154/-